Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Doesn't Time Fly...

...when you're not having fun. Nothing's panned out yet job-wise. Still gritting my teeth and keeping to it, but the compulsion to run and hide my head is pretty strong. I shall resist...

Sunday, 6 April 2008


in April... in West London...


have a little something I toyed with this morning...

Oh, in other news, I just heard I have a job interview on thursday :)

Friday, 4 April 2008

Not Long Now

I'll be working here until the end of June - where I go from there is - at the moment - anyone's guess. I'll just keep applying for jobs and tweaking my CV until I get a hit. People keep telling me I shouldn't have any problems with getting something - and its still early enough days for me to not be totally sceptical of the concept.

For now though, just keeping my head down and ploughing on with the job in hand...

Thursday, 27 March 2008

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors...


Well, some movement at work in that I've been offered a deal on leaving, but of course this is accompanied by a "Compromise Agreement" - a glorified NDA - so I can't talk about it, or the terms, or about my employer.

irritating but not the end of the world.

So now its nose to the grindstone on job hunting and seeing what gets thrown up. Trying to be a little discriminate at the moment, but I suspect I'll pretty soon be spamming the job sites for anything halfway related to what I can do just to get money through the door. I've not been unemployed yet and I've no intention of starting now.


Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Another day, another kick in the pants

Still somewhat in contract limbo-land at the moment, and its getting to be a bit of a struggle to keep any enthusiasm going for anything at the moment. Still, I suppose there are worse things to be doing at work than uninterrupted job-hunting on the net - after all, what are they going to do? Fire me? Oh wait, they already did...

We've got a meeting this afternoon with the director to try and get some straight answers, but I'm really not expecting much out of it. I am expecting a session of evasion and complex looping logic trails though.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Run For The Hills

Hmmmm, well I seem to have lost my job and my marriage in the space of a couple of weeks - can't say more than that as Tribunal may be in the offing and its all up in the air. Other than that its the usual chaos and mayhem; I'm managing to avoid crawling into a bottle, and have plenty of good people to keep me distracted, so just taking things a day at a time for now.

In other news - a little late I realise - I'd like to acknowledge the passing of Gary Gygax, arguably the creator of fantasy roleplay in the form of Dungeons and Dragons and all that was inspired by and followed on from it - up to and including computer RPGs and MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and Mass Effect. Like the other great originator of ideas in a favourite area of mine - Jack Kirby in the field of comic books - I guess I always had this illusion that he would always be knocking around somewhere in the background, if only heckling like the old gents in the Muppet Show.

RIP Gary Gygax - forever Rolling in his grave