Wednesday, 23 January 2008

In The News

So, RIP Heath Ledger and hello the UK Police Force marching in protest over pay.

One is a sad event that has come as a great shock to us all, and the other is the unexplained and unexpected death of a young actor.

I'll no doubt upset people by saying this but who will be policing the police march? It seems worrying on a huge number of levels to have people who do such a dangerous and thankless job being screwed over by the Home Office. I'm rather more worried about this than the tragic death of a talented actor who I've enjoyed watching and will enjoy watching through the wonders of film and DVD for years to come.

Priorities people!


Anonymous said...

Mass bullshit sorrow is grating. Bandwagons never get old right?

Ludd said...

its one of my pet bugbears the way that the media gets its teeth into a personal tragedy and starts whipping people up.

I was talking online briefly at the time to a friend of mine who works in the hospital they took his body too, and apparently they were herding media people out of patients' rooms as they kept creeping in to see if anyone had seen or heard anything.