Friday, 8 February 2008

England young 'among most tested'

I'm occasionally heard to joke that we love to have standards - after all, we have so many of them - but nowhere does this seem to be more apparent in the regime of tests and standards which is currently commented on in the news today.

My daughter, who is eight, going on forty seven, seems relatively casual about the tests and SATs that she currently has to go through, but maybe I'm just showing my age at remembering the old reports that were current when I was her age - a single sheet of paper with the subjects, an estimated grade and a terse comment such as 'Could do with writing more in his answers' (This usually translated to - he knows the answers, puts them down, but doesn't necessarily always demonstrate how he got to them)

These days we apparently have 'a system uniquely "preoccupied" with national standards and accountability'

This sounds to me like someone trying to wriggle out of saying - "we've used education so much as a political football that we can't find a graceful way of admitting its screwed up." Maybe that's just my being cynical

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